Is a Puppy or Dog right for you?
Thank you for your interest in adopting a pet from Guardians of the Green Mile Inc. Adopting a pet is a big decision as well as a lifetime commitment. Please take this short quiz to see if you are ready to adopt or foster!
Take the Quiz
Adoption Form
Interested in Adopting and becoming a GOTGM Rescue Parent?
We appreciate you taking the time to fill out an application to adopt one of our Guardians of the Green Mile pets. The questions that we ask are only to find the right fit for all of our dogs and the families that will be adopting them. Please complete the form to the best of your ability. Enter N/A if a question does not apply to you.
Fill Out FormAdoption Fees
- $300 for dogs that are 1 year and older.
- $350 for puppies under 1 year.
- $50 refundable spay / neuter deposit.
All animals will be fully vetted, micro chipped, and spayed / neutered.
We Will Contact:
- Your veterinarian
- Personal references
Please let your references know ahead of time.
Applicants will be interviewed and require a home visit before being approved to adopt or foster a dog from GOTGM.
Applicants must be 21 or older.
We are 100% volunteer operated and will process your application within a few days to a week depending on volunteer availability.